Cyberpunk setting in San Francisco? how about Carbon 2185?

Cyberpunk setting in San Francisco? how about Carbon 2185?

Carbon 2185 on Fantasy Grounds, Discord

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 2.5 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Beginner

Price per player-session

About the adventure

**** We are currently looking for 1 to 2 more players. The current players want a balanced approach to the game so not heavy one way or the other. if you sign up before Friday we can make a character outside of the game and you can play on Saturday. if not you can join in and listen I will set your fee for this week to 0. or you can skip it and we will make the character next week so you can jump in the week after. I look forward to you joining in the fun! **** This is set in 2185 where the world is now cyberpunk and in a dystopian state. This is set in San Francisco. You will encounter Thugs, Socialites, Celebrities, Dealers, Corporations, AI Robots, Police, etc. Hightech, guns, futuristic vehicles, Wonlong's(Currency), Augmentations on people, etc. There are 5 districts and levels of wealth all cyberpunk start at the 5th level and lowest income. Can you climb to area 1? ****This is built off of D&D 5e system and is very similar so if you know 5e you know how to play this but there is no magic and Tech in its place.**** We will start with Chow's request 1 and go to the 6th mission which will complete the story arch. I anticipate this to last anywhere from 10 to 20 sessions. If the group wants to continue past that I have other things I can run as well.

2 years on StartPlaying

35 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Visual Aid

Additional Details

How to prepare

As stated you MUST be 18+ to play in my game. All players MUST have at least the DEMO version of Fantasy Grounds Unity, installed and Updated. (This will not work on tablets, chrome books, or in a web browser). I can help you download and install if you need help just let me know asap. You must have a Discord account with a Mic. You may be asked to make a free Syrinscape account. The only money I'm asking you to spend is to play the game with me through SPG. you will not have to buy anything else. There will be a place in the game to take notes and share with other players if you wish. I will automate as much as possible on fantasy grounds but at times basic math will need to be done. Puzzles may require thinking outside of the box. As with any game as complex as this one, at times there will be short spurts of downtime when I am trying to figure something out or help a fellow player. Things will be implemented in session zero to help alleviate this as much as possible. Come with an open mind and the possibilities are almost endless.

What I provide

I will bring, sounds, video, handouts, story, puzzles, intrigue, minor voice acting(I am far from a voice actor but I will do my best), possibly voice-altering software, my years of experience as well as catering to what you want the game to be as much as possible. I will use theater of the mind at times, when I use maps there will be fog of war or line of sight/lighting. All dice rolls will be made in\on fantasy grounds. My priority is to make sure you have a good time and make sure you feel your money is well spent. I am sure at times there will be suspense, laughing, wonder, amazement, and triumph, among many other emotions felt during the time we are playing. If the group wants there will be RP between sessions. You are paying me to escape the real world similar to you paying for a night at the movies. That is what I intend to do to the best of my abilities.

Gameplay details

This shouldn't have a lot of disturbing or triggering aspects to it. However, there is the possibility, of crime, murder, drug use/reference, blood, gore, and, torture. I have systems set in place you can let me know anonymously(XNO system) or in private if you wish to discuss before, during, or after, If not that is fine as well. If you need a break feel free to ask for one at any point. I want you to feel comfortable and welcome. I will check in every so often to make sure everyone is doing ok and is having fun. I will ask for ways to improve my game. You can let me know then or feel free to reach out to me outside of the game as well if there is something you want to discuss I am an open door when it comes to my player's wants and needs.

Content warnings


Safety tools used
  • Aftercare
  • Breaks
  • Open Door
  • Session 0
  • X, N, and O Cards
How will character creation work

This will be covered in session zero or one on one. I have the full book input into Fantasy Grounds. I will walk you through each aspect of it changing some things to fit my style. The more you give me about how you want to portray your character, its history, and where you want to go with it. the more I can interweave it into the story. Come with a few ideas just in case someone has a similar idea and you don't want to have two similar characters in the group. There must be 4 players before we can start this game. if we have less than that after session zero more will be held until we get 4 players. Just so you are aware. If you want to drop out after going through session zero I only ask that you let me know. I completely understand. Once you have gone through Session zero you do not have to attend another unless you want to meet new people.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: Medium
  • Puzzles: Low
  • Experience Level: Beginner

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