A Hero's Tale

A Hero's Tale

Advanced Dungeons & Dragons 2e on Discord, Roll20

Price per player-session

You will be charged when a session starts



  • Duration: 3 to 3.5 hours

  • Number of players: 2 to 6 players

  • Experience required: Open to all

Price per player-session

About the adventure

Behind every great hero is a story - a tale of brave deeds, cunning plans, self-sacrifice, and bold fortitude in the face of overwhelming odds. A Hero's Tale is a collection of ten quest scenarios ranging in level from 1st level right up to 10th. The scenarios are all linked together to form a complete mini-campaign with a hidden plot which concerns an artifact. Throughout the scenarios the characters meet NPCs who are looking for this artifact, and feel its influence.


2 years on StartPlaying

6 games hosted

Additional Details

How to prepare

Players will need access to a copy of The Player's Handbook (AD&D 2e), a set of polyhedral dice (or be wiling to use Roll 20's die roller), access to Roll20 and discord, a 2e character sheet (hard or digital copy), a mic and speakers to use with discord (I will be using voice only not video). Also You might want to generate a Roll20 token for your PC and and familiar or animal companion your PC wants.

What I provide

I will provide maps, stories, backup copies of character sheets, roll20 player tokens, and any required player handouts.

Gameplay details

I allow a fair amount of narrative authority, but some things are set. Such as the deities and racial cultures of the world. Players are expected to keep up with their notes and character sheets (although the DM should always have an up to date copy) XP will be granted at the start of the session after it was earned. XP is granted for RP as well as finishing a quest, collected treasure and encounters completed. The DM doe not award killing blow XP to a single PC, but does divide XP amongst all who participated in the encounter. Session Zero will include discussion of safety tools and triggers. They can be discussed and should be discussed in a mature respectful manor. There is a checklist questionnaire that will need to be filled out at the end of Session Zero. Your reasons for wishing to have something excludes are not required… We do not require you to justify your triggers, only to let us know what to avoid. Bad things do exist in my games so the heroes have something to overcome and stop. Player’s may make characters of whatever gender and orientation they desire, but they are not allowed to pressure other players or PCs regarding relationships. All sex scenes will be treated as a fade to black and do not contribute towards character advancement. The standard races are listed in The Player’s Handbook. If you have a character idea that isn’t one of these races, talk to me. I will need to have full information on the race you want to play. There are source books for other races and I probably have them. Some racial tweaks might even be allowed. Pcs do not get any languages for free in my games proficiency slots must be spent to get the language ability. However, the DM reserves the right to disallow some races, classes, class kits & proficiencies. I have a homebrewed system for dealing with an expanded proficiency list. The full list of proficiencies will be posted as a handout for all player's starting from session zero. This it going to be heavy RP with a bit of Hack & Slash. It is an old school Heroic fantasy/Swords & Sorcery game. I will be running the campaign following an older 2e modual with several homebrewed elements to keep it fresh and include aspects of PC backstories. A Hero's Tale is a collection of consecutive quest scenarios. The scenarios are all linked together to form a complete mini-campaign with a hidden plot which concerns an artifact. Throughout the scenarios the characters meet NPCs who are looking for this artifact, and feel its influence.

Content warnings


Safety tools used


How will character creation work

PCs will start at 1st level. Each player will be rolling 7 scores rather than the standard 6. The 7th score will be used for Comeliness so that Charisma will represent only personality and not physical attractiveness. All scores must be rolled and assigned during session zero. The rolling method will be roll 4d6 drop the lowest, no re-rolls, in the order of Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma, Comeliness (Score of 3-18). Racial & class prerequisites as listed in The Player's Handbook will be adhered to. A first level character’s hit points should be maxed out. Also You might want to generate a Roll20 token for your PC and and familiar or animal companion your PC wants.

Players can expect

  • Combat/Tactics: Medium
  • Roleplay: High
  • Puzzles: Medium
  • Experience Level: Open to all

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