Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay takes you back to the Old World. Get the gang together, create your (anti)heroes, and set off to face vile corruption, scheming plotters, and terrifying creatures intent on destruction. The Old World is a grim and perilous place. Its vast mountain ranges are teeming with warlike Orcs and Goblins. The deep forests are the home of marauding Beastmen. The corrupting force of Chaos leeches into the world, the result of a tragic accident when the world was young. The insidious taint of Chaos leaves folk hideously altered, and liable to seek solace in the worship of Daemons and the Ruinous Powers of the Chaos gods. The followers of Chaos gather in the north, armies of reavers and monsters that threaten to overwhelm the world. But they also reside in secret in the towns and cities of the Old World: an enemy within plotting to overthrow civilization and establish their own regime in its place. Nations such as the Empire stand defiant against the darkness. Its people come from all walks of life, from landed aristocracy to the urban poor. Most are heedless of the true dangers that beset their world; they imagine themselves safe within city walls and merely try to make a good living for themselves. But there are those adventurous folk who, driven through desperation or ambition, seek to confront dangers and win renown.

Originally created by Dominic McDowall, Andy Law


3-5 Players
d100 System


Gritty Fantasy


Release Date

August 2018
How to play Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

The Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay world is more technologically advanced and grim than a lot of other fantasy settings. You can still be elves and goblins, but the lands they adventure in are being torn apart by a dark force called Chaos while the rise of firearms and merchant classes challenge the old concept of nobility. Into this uncertainty steps your character. You begin with a mundane career like smuggler or baker that represents your very humble beginnings. If your character survives further adventures, you can upgrade to grander careers and the skills they offer. 

The Game Master brings your group together with the story and sets you on the path to adventure. You’re free to navigate the dangerous world as you see fit, and the GM reacts to the choices made by your party. Dice rolls decide the outcome of your more consequential actions. Spellcasters have a unique challenge in that magic stems from Chaos. There’s a risk of being corrupted or branded as a witch if magic casting goes wrong. 

All in all, this is a Warhammer game so combat is a huge part of how you’ll spend your time. The battles are rather deadly, reflecting how often soldiers die in the classic Warhammer game. Characters can only sustain a few hits before they are maimed or killed. Healing magic is rare, and there’s no such thing as revival. If you’re looking for a grim, challenging game, pick up Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

Frequently asked questions about Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay

Explore Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Classes
Rogues image


Mostly town and city folk, these people make a living by acts considered illegal, or at least unsavory, by most law-abiding citizens. Rogues are usually lower class, but some can make a lot of money, though they may not secure a high Status when doing so. Career options: Bawd, Charlatan, Fence, Grave Robber, Outlaw, Thief, Racketeer, Witch.

Academics image


Learned people who use their education to make a living. Often, Academics are the only characters who can read and write. They start with low Status but can secure important positions if they advance through the ranks. Career options: Apothecary, Engineer, Lawyer, Nun, Physician, Priest, Scholar, Wizard.

Burghers image


Generally law-abiding townsfolk who live and work in the many towns and cities of the Empire. Many Burghers are middle class and earn a decent living. Career options: Agitator, Artisan, Beggar, Investigator, Merchant, Rat Catcher, Townsman, Watchman.

Courtiers image


Those who rule or who provide specialist services to those who rule. Even lowly born Courtiers have higher Status than most, and all have an opportunity to secure positions of significant influence. Career options: Advisor, Artist, Duelist, Envoy, Noble, Servant, Spy, Warden.

Peasants image


People who live and work in the farms, villages, and countryside. Peasants are all lower class, though it’s possible to secure significant influence locally. Career options: Bailiff, Hedge Witch, Herbalist, Hunter, Miner, Mystic, Scout, Villager

Rangers image


Roving folk who make a living on the open roads, travelling far beyond their home towns and villages. Most Rangers are lower class, but some can secure positions of high Status if they persevere. Career options: Bounty Hunter, Coachman, Entertainer, Flagellant, Messenger, Pedlar, Road Warden, Witch Hunter.

Riverfolk image


People who live and work on the rivers and waterways that wind through the Reikland and beyond. Riverfolk all begin with low Status, but some have opportunities that can lead to a very comfortable life. Career options: Boatman, Huffer, Riverwarden, Riverwoman, Seaman, Smuggler, Stevedore, Wrecker.

Warriors image


Relying on their physical prowess, these people are all trained fighters, although they are not necessarily from the military. Warriors come from many backgrounds, both high and low Status, and all can carve out a position of influence if they live long enough. Career options: Cavalryman, Guard, Knight, Pit Fighter, Protagonist, Soldier, Troll Slayer, Warrior Priest.

Virtual table tops for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (VTTs)
Cubicle 7

Cubicle 7

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