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GM-ZCV (she/her)

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

Hi! My name is Zoe (she/her), though I go by my initials ZCV a lot online too! I'm a 24 year old transwoman from Australia and I'm new to professional GMing so I hope you'll give me a chance! I've been playing RPGs since I was 12 starting with 4th Edition D&D at a local gaming convention, and now that I'm 24 I have 12 years of TRPG experience I can share with you. I played about 8 years of D&D before playing Vampire the Masquerade in 2018 which introduced me to the awesome wider world of RPGs that aren't D&D. Over the last 5 years I've been running anywhere from one to sometimes even four games a week between friends and other members of my local RPG community. My personal favourite systems are Storyteller Style systems such as both World of Darkness and Exalted, but I also have a love for more simulationist systems such as traveller. I have a great love for exploring new systems and have played and run many in my time, if you would like me to run something besides what I have on offer, just ask! Even if I'm not familiar with the system, I always love learning a new game.

GM Style

I'm a amateur game designer and have released two systems and am currently working on adventure modules for other systems. As a Game Designer I love the challenge of crafting campaigns and adventures specifically suited to my players, allowing everyone to get exactly what they want out of the game. A lot of GMs have preferred styles of play, but the challenge of simply trying to run something the players will enjoy and remember is what I'm most after. When I make a posting for a campaign I will describe the game we'd be playing as well as talk about the different facets of RPGs I hope to explore using that particular system. Overall however my one main aversion is to tactical combat, I do enjoy combat in a more narrative context, but I won't be breaking out miniatures or battlemaps, I tend to keep my wargaming and my roleplay gaming separate. I feel like it should go without saying but I always strive to have games that are welcoming and accessible, I don't tolerate bigotry at my table and welcome anyone who's here to have a fun time playing RPGs. There's no bottom floor for experience, I don't even mind if you've never played a RPG before, all I ask is that you treat your fellow players and the campaign as a whole with respect.

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