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GMBros (n/a)



3 years on StartPlaying

37 games hosted

Highly rated for: Sets the Mood, Creativity, Voices

About me

Hi there RPGers! We're, John and Joe, the GMBros! If you're looking to game with two hyper muscled, toxic dudes, you're on the wrong page! We're the GMBros because we're actually brothers, who love to run role-playing games for fun! The only thing toxic about us might be the paste we ate as kids (it was the '70s, things were different). We started playing and GMing TTRPGs back in 1985 with D&D when we were 11 and 12. Today were way older than 11 and 12 and loving TTRPGs more than ever! How would we describe our GMing style? We try to channel Quentin Tarantino if he was directing a movie co-written by the Rick & Morty writing room. We aim for old-school fun with new-school game systems and VTT bells and whistles. GM John usually handles the story, NPCs, and rules, while Monster Master Joe runs monsters and NPCs during combat. What can you expect from our sessions? -Great visuals, maps, music, and sound effects using the Foundry VTT. -A fun and friendly Discord community. -Opportunities to play tons of different game systems both rules-lite and crunchy. -Nail biting combats that push characters to the max! -Lots of laughs and fun! Why are our games so cheap? Because we have full-time jobs and use the money we make from running RPGs to feed our voracious habit of buying more RPGs! If we make enough money to buy more games, we're good! Our goal is to keep our games cheaper than a movie ticket. Pssst...If you join our Discord, you'll get the opportunity to help us by playtesting adventures before we put them on StartPlaying. That's right, free game sessions!

GM Style

A few things about our GMing Style and our Virtual Table: • We test play all our games for free with interested players on our Discord before offering them as paid games. Players who hang out on our Discord get access to free games and we get a chance to fine tune our games with players we know. A win-win! • We run lots of different systems and find the best way to learn the rules of an RPG is to play the RPG. This means that we’re often learning the rules with the players. Please be patient with us and please don’t hesitate to speak up if we’re messing up a rule. We want to get it right. • We’re not fans of min-maxing/hyper-optimizing/power gaming. It’s a completely valid type of gameplay, but it’s not our jam. We find it leads to unbalanced games and we don’t have fun running games with highly optimized characters unless that’s the specific goal of the game. We prefer playing with characters who are built around interesting, fun concepts rather than one-person WMDs. We have and can run power games where crazy powerful builds are allowed but these are special adventures, not our regular games. • We want everyone to have fun! Our GMing tends to lean into laughs and some silliness. If games were movies, we're fine running PG-13, R, or NC-17 rated games. A bit of cussing is fine (we've been known to drop some s-words and f-bombs from time to time). We try to be hero enablers. Players are like the stars in a big budget movie and should feel like it. We try to help them craft sessions where they can bring their characters to life. We try to combine humor and a commitment to let the dice lie where they land. If we do our job well, players will bounce between laughing and biting their nails throughout the session. We use the Foundry VTT, Discord, and Voicemod as well as music and sound effects to make games more immersive and exciting.

Games played
Dungeons & Dragons 5e
Cypher System
Pathfinder 2e
Pathfinder 1e
Savage Worlds
Dungeon Crawl Classics
Call of Cthulhu
Punk Apocalyptic
Shadow of the Demon Lord
Kids on Bikes
Mutants and Masterminds (3e)
City of Mist
Powered by the Apocalypse RPG
Alien: The Roleplaying Game
Warhammer 40,000 Wrath & Glory
Blades in the Dark
Urban Shadows 1e
Monster of the Week
Big Eyes, Small Mouth
Mutants & Masterminds
Gamma World
Delta Green
Solar Blades and Cosmic Spells
Prowlers & Paragons
Cyberpunk Red
Night's Black Agents
Band of Blades
Mutant Year Zero
Star Trek Adventures
Scum and Villainy
Trinity Continuum
Dune: Adventures in the Imperium
Achtung! Cthulhu 2d20
Old School Essentials
Masks: A New Generation
Mörk Borg
Kids on Brooms
Stars without Numbers (Revised)
Worlds without Number
Wild Talents
Fallout: The Roleplaying Game
Over Arms
Wicked Ones
ICRPG Index Card RPG
Heart: The City Beneath RPG
ICONS Superpowered Roleplaying
Avatar Legends: The RPG
Weird Frontiers
Mutant Crawl Classics
OSR Games
DC Adventures
Into the Odd
Viking Death Squad
Tiny Dungeon: Second Edition
Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game
Trophy Dark
Blade Runner RPG
Hunter: The Reckoning
Vaults of Vaarn
Spirit of 77
Death in Space
Pirate Borg
The Electrum Archive
Apocalypse Keys
Coyote & Crow
ARC: Doom
Demon Dog
CyberMetal 2012
The Mutant Epoch
Gangs of Titan City
Pulp Cthulhu
Frontier Scum
Terminator RPG
Code Warriors
Cowpunchers Reloaded
Neon Lords of the Toxic Wasteland
Tiny Gods
Tiny Supers
Barbarians of the Ruined Earth
Zyborg Commando Resurrection Overdrive
Skate Wizards
Shadowdark RPG
Vast Grimm
Righteous Blood, Ruthless Blades
Tiny Cthulhu
Old Gods of Appalachia
Neon City Overdrive
Xcrawl Classics
Yokai Hunters Society
Deathmatch Island
Electric Bastionland
Cities Without Number
The Job
The True OSR
Longshot City
Triangle Agency
Bloodbeam Badlands
The Company
Acid Mages of the Infinite Tower
SURVIVE THIS!! The Dead West
Crown and Skull
Rust and Redemption
Game platforms used
What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

  • Find a game to join solo or search for a professional game master for you and your friends/coworkers/family.

  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.

  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.