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1 year on StartPlaying

66 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Storytelling

Average response time: 24+ hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

Long time gamer and GM for almost as long: very early on in my gaming career I got the bug for writing adventures and setting up scenarios to surprise and entertain a group. I dabbled in drama and other creative outlets over the years but the one constant has been running games; I get more of a kick out of the players' enjoyment of a good session (be it dramatic, tense, comedic, frantic or just political) than I do out of any other creative outlet I ever found! I live in Ireland (UTC / GMT) but can be flexible around scheduling. I don't have a strong accent and (although I am inclined to do some "character voices") I focus on a clear storytelling voice rather than any kind of serious voice acting. It is super important to me that the group is inclusive and welcoming to all. Everyone is entitled to an opportunity to enjoy this hobby in a supportive and inclusive environment. Please be aware of your biases and check them at the door. The group may, as part of the story, face challenges and address social norms / biases etc in a respectful way but as GM I reserve the right to draw a red line where I believe this may cause undue discomfort to other players. Real world prejudice will not be accepted in any group hosted by me. In terms of experience with settings and systems: I have spent many years on and off as a DM for D&D (then AD&D, now D&D again) but over time I also drifted more into gothic and storytelling games (World of Darkness), and science fantasy (Shadowrun / Cyberpunk) and more space faring sci-fi (Traveller and Star Wars). Feel free to reach out if you have a group / would like to start a group and are looking for a GM - I'm open to run pretty much anything I have experience with (non-exhaustive list below, I own the rules to most of those systems in hard copy or digital and if I don't own a copy I'll pick them up). Let's have some fun!!

GM style

My style is quite relaxed and open with a focus on safe fun at the table. I like deep stories and challenging subject matter and will occasionally push comfort zones but I always ensure that we are aligned on boundaries up front (grayzone/redline or lines and veils agreed before the first session) and I fully support breaks and "stops" at any time to assure players' safety and enjoyment. Full parameters to suit the group should be agreed in a session zero (I will always have a session zero with the starting group as well as an optional background / character shaping session for each player to help them fit their creation into the new universe we're about to create together). For me, character and roleplay should come before system. The rules should be used as a scaffold for the story and should give a framework to support the fun - they should not become the focal point of the adventure. I am a strong believer that we are all at the table to tell a story together and the role of the GM is to guide and facilitate the story of the characters with an underlying plot (which may become subordinate to the character arcs). Everyone should have their chance to shine and to collaborate in getting us all laughing or crying but at the same time everyone should be comfortable in taking a back seat occasionally to enjoy someone else's arc.

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