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TopSecretPorkChop (he/him)




3 years on StartPlaying

28 games hosted

Highly rated for: Visual Aid, Creativity, Sets the Mood

About me

I have over over 30 years experience playing role-playing games and have been a DM for many of those years. I decided to become a DM here because it solves what I've found to be the main problem with playing RPGs over the years -- finding a group to play with.

GM Style

I play tabletop games mostly as a creative outlet, so I prefer to run a story driven campaign. Expecting that my players have similar motivations, I am open to players making a significant contribution to the story as well. Or not... I welcome beginning players and truly enjoy helping people learning this hobby. Sometimes when learning a new system (or to play RPGs at all) it's all you can do to just roll the right die at the right time. Often new players don't have difficulty even knowing what their options areas to what they can do. I try to offer a helpful nudge every now and then till they find their way. I strongly encourage players to make an effort to think through who their character is, including giving some thought to their back story. That being said, I fully recognize that sometimes you just wanna jump in and kill some baddies, so it's fine if you don't want to develop these details up front but rather over time. I will provide the setting, an opening hook, and a general overarching story arc (as well as some enemies to fight), but I encourage my players to let me know their character's goals so that they can feed into the story as well.

What's StartPlaying?

Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

  • Find a game to join solo or search for a professional game master for you and your friends/coworkers/family.

  • Book your session and wait for the Game Master to approve you.

  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.