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Matt Willis (tokens)

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Greetings! I'm Matt, your friendly internet forever DM. In the last 10 years, I have led over 5 multi-year campaigns in my own custom world from levels 1-20, many published modules, and dozens of oneshots both custom and published. I have over 5,000 hours on Roll20, and have been consistently DMing (online and at the table) every week for nearly 10 years. I have introduced many new players to roleplaying (and D&D in particular) over the last 10 years, and would love to help you take the plunge into the world of TTRPG! In my ordinary life, I teach university philosophy classes, so I am well accustomed to explaining even the most complicated systems to those with little background.

GM style

My approach to DMing is to create an immersive story-driven experience with art, sound, and narrative. While I believe theater of the mind is a great approach for many experienced players, I also understand that a more visual approach can help other (especially newer) players *feel* the world around their characters. In my games, you can typically expect richly illustrated maps and other visual depictions of the world, atmospheric music, and an immersive roleplay experience. For me, a successful game is one in which my players have felt something about the world and the characters within it. While I think it is important to challenge players (I think it is best if player's genuinely feel that there are stakes), I do not believe that it is a DM's job to *oppose* the players -- especially if that involves excessive railroading. I strive to create an inclusive and helpful environment in which we can tell a story together that we'll remember long after. As a DM, I aim to be a cheerleader, not a bully or a puppet master.

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