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The Blind GM

The Blind GM (he/they)

Published Writer
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

The Blind GM, more colloquially known as Bear, has been playing and GMing TTRPGs since the early 2000's. He has been GMing professionally since 2019. Bear has always ascribed to the notion that one must figure out what you love and then find a way to get paid for it, so the role of professional GM very much scratched that itch. Bear's GM style is very character and story driven with the game mechanics taking a back seat to good storytelling. He is friendly, kind, and inclusive, and always willing to learn new things and grow both as a GM and as a person.

GM Style

My GM style has bene described as splitting the difference between Matt Mercer and Brennan Lee Mulligan -- I try to paint a vivid descriptive picture within the structure of the system but allow for the "rule of cool" in narratively significant moments. I really love it when players really sink their teeth into their character, world, and story and will always reward good roleplaying and unique ideas.

Game platforms used
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