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3 years on StartPlaying

7 games hosted

About me

My name is Shaun. I enjoy world building in both D and D and World of Darkness. My worlds are well established and open with a myriad of distinct NPC's each with a unique back story, motive, and agenda. I always foster an environment where players feel comfortable integrating their characters and I welcome all character concepts. Every campaign is player-centric so players are encouraged to develop characters they enjoy.

GM style

I use a myriad of accents to distinguish my NPC’s from one another. Discovering the needs, ambitions and secrets of the NPC’s is part of the story, but the players are always the main characters. I use backstories, character weaknesses, short- and long-term goals, to set up opportunities for character growth and development. I am willing to tie in these character aspects, but also to let you discover who your character is as they explore the world. The Campaigns and Chronicles I run are player centric and the worlds are always open. My games are sandbox style and the players interests become the driving force, pushing the plot they find most pressing. There are always hooks to encourage and give the players the motivation to explore and uncover the secrets of the world. When creating a combat encounter I like to incorporate puzzles and environmental advantages that can be exploited by cunning and clever players to turn combat in the players favor. I also enjoy outside the box thinking when it comes to combat and trials the characters face. I greatly appreciate PC creativity. If your character has an innovative power she wishes to develop or creative discipline to create, I will happily work with you to make that goal a reality.

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