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Sam Chupp (SambearPoet)

Sam Chupp (SambearPoet) (he/him)



Published Writer
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Inclusive, Creativity

About me

Hi! I'm a 57 years old, pan/polyam, white cis male. I've been running ttrpgs for 49 years, but one thing I have learned is that each gaming group is a new learning opportunity. I see RPGS as a collaboration activity, and my role as GM is to be a fan of my players and their characters. My neurodivergence is ADHD, but I have a lot of neat methods to counter it in the neurotypical world. As a game designer, I've always put story and character aspects over others in the game space, but I definitely enjoy a good, complicated, and fun combat session as well. I was a co-creator on Changeling: the Dreaming and Wraith: the Oblivion, and have design credits in both Mage and Werewolf. I've also worked for Steve Jackson Games and HDI. So if you've ever wanted to play a game with the guy who helped make it a reality, I'm your fella! An important note: you might call me "Woke" but ultimately I care about the mental and emotional safety of my players. I use safety tools and will have a session 0 to both talk about play issues and character acceptance. I have a number of tools I use to help support my games: Zoom, a professional audio setup, VTT, even custom made digital minatures through Hero Forge. I use Inkarnate as a way to create excellent maps, and I may use Midjourney AI to generate images for the gaming table (I have a policy on no published AI art, but I will use it for fun / clarity / demo). Hopefully, you will be intrigued by my profile! I am looking forward to making some of your gaming dreams come true!

GM Style

Roleplay, character voices, action-oriented combat (not crunchy but fun). I love backstories. I love interweaving a player's wishes into a story. I like everybody to come away with a story to tell later.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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  • If you don't have a blast with your first game, your next game is on us.