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Rose (she/her)



Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

10 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, Inclusive

About me

Hi, I'm Rose. I've been playing and GMing tabletop role-playing games for the past 20 years. D&D 3.5th, 4th, 5th; Pathfinder, Call of Cthulhu, 7th Sea, Tales From the Loop, Things From the Flood, Honey Heist, Lasers & Feelings, Crash Pandas, the Dark Souls RPG, The Quiet Year, and Electric Bastionland. I've run online games for groups of people I already knew, with Zoom and Shmeppy and such, but I'm new to running online games for complete strangers (and soon-to-be friendly acquaintances!)

GM Style

I do everything in my power to help everyone have a good time. I'm really only having fun as a GM if I feel like everyone else is too. I'll typically roleplay enough to set the scene, the atmosphere, the vibes, but otherwise I'm going to be matching the Players' interest in roleplaying, more or less. If you're having a blast being in-character, I'll be right there with ya! If you're having a blast just describing to me what your character says instead of saying it yourself, I'm all for that too! I'll try to make your failures sound just as cool as your victories. I'll do my best to never just say "You miss" or "You fail" without anything else, to at least make that failure part of the story, and not just a big-fat-nothing of an event. Your arrow doesn't just miss, it misses by a hair, a single hair you can see tumble onto the floor. You didn't just miss with your hammer, it bounced right off his armor, which rings ominously at you as he approaches not even slowed. I enjoy crunchy tactical combat when it flows, but it so often doesn't, so I'm leaning heavily towards games with lots of action and activities, and lots of rolling, but very little crunch. Which is to say; when a Player decides what they want to do, I want to help them make it happen gloriously (or fail to happen, also gloriously) as quickly as possible. I will describe your actions and the consequences of those actions (or failures) as well as I can. That's part of why I'm into Electric Bastionland right now. I like how attacks in combat always hit, always deliver at least 1 point of damage to their target. It's not just mechanically preferable for me, it's also thematically preferable. I like that rapid-fire kind of action where combat can be sudden, and tactical, and VERY DANGEROUS, and MEANINGFUL, and also be over very quickly. Like a fight scene that gets edited out of a Wes Anderson movie with quick cuts of ammo flying and then boom - casualty report. I'm going to lean very heavily into that rapid-fire pace, as much as I can. I am NOT GOOD at voice acting. I try to make NPC's memorable in other ways, like emphasizing where they fit into the bigger picture of the story, emphasizing their goals and their plans to achieve them, and how that affects the players and THEIR goals specifically. I try to make NPCs interactable, clear, and interesting. I won't dwell on their backstories unless you ask me to. I won't make them the main characters - that's your job. I also won't attempt most foreign accents unless it's thematically appropriate for them to be butchered a bit, because, yeah, again, I am not a professional voice actress. I WILL, however, give the voice acting my best. I'll give the whole game my best. Like I said, the real fun for me is knowing everyone else walked away glad they spent the time playing. If you all have fun, I'm having fun. So if you're NOT having fun, let me know, and I'll do everything I can to turn that around.

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