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Ronin's Den

1 year on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, World Builder, Teacher

About me

Hello, Welcome, I wanted to take some time to introduce myself to everyone to see if you might be interested in my games. I am a long time TTRPG player and GM, most of my experience is with the Palladium Game System and AD&D 2e, and DnD 5e, I have physical copies of most of the material for each of these. I also dabble with Shadowrun and the World of Darkness 2e and 5e. I do mainly Theater of the Mind, however I have recently purchased Forge VTT and am starting to utilize it in my games. I enjoy running games for people who look for plot hooks and run with them, I strive to give each player their time to shine in each session, and provide social and combat encounters that players will find challenging and rewarding. I think my prices are fair for the experience I offer.

GM style

I will apologize off the bat I'm no voice actor folks. I love to work off of character back stories to create adventures that will be memorable and ask that my players give me a one to two page backstory, that gives me a picture of who they are, where they come from, what goal they want to accomplish, and what they need to do it. With that I write adventures that meld with the other characters at the table to create a campaign with something for everyone in it. I also run modules that I have created myself and that have been published, two of my favorites being Night Below and Dragon Mountain for Dungeons and Dragons. I absolutely love introducing players to new systems, I have more than the ones listed below, feel free to ask, or if you have a type of game let me know I may be able to suggest one of the many I have on my shelf.


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