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Quinn (he/him)



1 year on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Creativity, Storytelling

About me

I've been involved with D&D for a while now and I love a bunch of similar things! Right now, D&D is one of the best things out there and it's fun to get a good group to play with. I've DM'ed/GM'ed about 5 different D&D campaigns and have also been a player a number of times. Would love to meet some new people and get started on something fresh!

GM Style

I personally love roleplaying when I'm DM'ing campaigns! It's by far my favorite thing and I'm great at improvising when things sometimes go off the rails. In all my campaigns I use voices for all the NPC's, but I try to have unique voices for the main notable NPC's. I like to follow the rules as written for most combat encounters though if a player thinks of something unique to do, perhaps to get out of a sticky situation, I like using the rule of cool. It's my personal goal to have any campaign I run be engaging as possible, so for pre-written campaigns (Tyranny of Dragons for instance), I try to read and re-read through the book so I can be with the players during the adventure as much as I can and not have my head down trying to get through everything. Other than that, I'm just looking to have a fun time with some people wanting to play/learn D&D!