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2 years on StartPlaying

132 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

I've been GM-ing role playing games as long as I've been playing them, going back all the way to ye olde 3.5e days when I was the first in my group to read the Dungeon Master's Guide. Nearly two decades later and this forever DM is ready to share that experience with the world. I've earned my stripes in everything from White Wolf's Storyteller system to several editions and renditions of the DnD formula to the fast and dirty combat of the Shadowrun universe. Multiple campaigns have run to high levels under my stewardship, so you know when you book with me that I'm in it for the long haul. As a neurodivergent person living with a disability, I value the space for creativity and expression that roleplaying games allow for, and I want to give the chance to experience it to everyone. I pride myself on running an inclusive table, and I am a firm believer that neurodivergent, LGBTQIA+, disabled, and minority voices enrich the experience for everyone. My email and discord accounts are responsive and checked daily, and I'm always excited to plan character progression, work on background inclusion, or talk mechanics whether you're brand new to the system or an experienced hand.

GM Style

I favor roleplay most of all, both interparty and with NPC's. I love combat, but some of my most fun sessions were won with social rolls and creative thinking. I am always looking for ways to snag my player's interest, so the more attention you give an NPC or location, the more developed it will be.

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