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Mixter Casual

Mixter Casual (she/her)



Women/Femme Identifying

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Teacher

About me

I've been playing in and running games for just shy of 10 years now. Most of my experience is in Pathfinder, the first system I ever played, though I've dabbled in a bunch of other systems and settings. These days I primarily play 5e, though Pathfinder will always hold a special place in my heart

GM Style

I'm big on roleplay, though I understand if certain players don't want to. I try to give voice to every NPC, making the world seem like a lived-in place, rather than just set dressing for the next encounter. Combat is not my primary focus, though obviously I can run it well enough. I follow the rules as written mostly, though I'm not against some Rule of Cool situations happening here and there, especially if it gets people more engaged

Game platforms used
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