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Mark Finn
Published Writer
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Voices, Creativity

About me

I'm a nationally recognized expert on the fantasy author Robert E. Howard, having written the definitive biography of him. My interest in role-playing games started in the late seventies with the emergence of Dungeons & Dragons and has never wavered. I've written and produced every kind of story from comic books to old time radio plays, but I believe table top gaming offers a unique experience for both players and game masters; that spirit of collaboration is exhilarating and continues to thrill in this age of video games and multi-media presentations. I run games that emphasize player experiences, character development, and cinematic action. When you have fun, I have fun!

GM Style

I play cinematic, theater of the mind style, but I am also fond of battle maps and tokens or miniatures as needed. I strive to be as immersive as possible.

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