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3 years on StartPlaying

About me

What makes a game of Dungeons and Dragons special? Is it the world you play in? The character you make into a champion? The villains you triumph over? Well, yes, but I'd argue there's something much more important than that: the people you play with! And with me as your DM, I can guarantee nothing but the best time for you and your companions! Hi! My name's Spencer. I've been a Dungeon Master for four years now, and I've had the pleasure of watching complete strangers turn into the best of friends over a few twenty sided dice and a grand adventure, and now I want to offer that same experience to you! Whether it's with college roommates, corporate acquaintances, or even complete strangers, you'll be sure to leave with a smile on your face and anticipation for the next session! YOUR WORLD: Are you looking for a gothic, Soulslike setting? What about a grand fantasy world like the Legend of Zelda? No matter what kind of backdrop you want for your game, it's yours! And not a cookie cutter backdrop either: a fully fleshed out, customized world made specifically for your players! YOUR CHARACTERS: A cool, composed fighter, a giddy young wizard, and a hotheaded paladin walk into a bar - sounds like a bad joke, but this is how most of my sessions have started, and despite the differences in attitude, each one of them left with nothing but praise, and this is my promise to you as well: no matter who you are, I can guarantee you'll leave happy and wanting more. YOUR CHANCE TO LEARN: Are you a veteran player who wants to learn how to be a DM? Or maybe you love storytelling and want to share one of yours in a game? In addition to DMing games, I also offer workshops to help teach you how to become a DM yourself! Soon, you'll be making your own worlds in no time! YOUR WAY TO PLAY: Roll20. Foundry. Discord. You name the platform, I can run on it. You'll be sure to have the easiest, user friendly experience on the market without hiccups! This is my guarantee to you. I hope you'll give me the chance to take you on a whirlwind adventure throughout our game!

GM Style

I tend to focus heavily on story, immersing players into the world as deeply and fully as possible. The worlds are detailed, the cities are complete, and the NPCs are fleshed out with voices, backstory, and more. Combat is still a core part of the game, but takes a bit of a backseat. Your game will absolutely still feature well written, heart pounding fights against baddies.

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