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Lino (she/her)

Women/Femme Identifying

1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Lino here; I've been playing this game for a good five years. This whole thing started as most other things do. A group of friends free from the constraints of Uni, a bunch of alcohol, and someone's old copy of that terrible DnD movie from the early 2000s. We watched it, we laughed, we cried, and we thought we could probably do a better job ourselves. And so started what's probably going to be a lifelong addiction to the game. So what sort of games do I run? Well, I prefer to run beginner-friendly games, something that's easy and low-stress. One-shots and quick campaigns that will help you get the feel of the game. I want everyone who decides to try this thing out to have a good entry point because lord knows there are enough horror stories out there about DM's abusing new players. At the end of the day, my motives are simple. I want you to have the best possible start in this wonderful hobby and that maybe in the future you decide to run a game of your own. So you're in the game, now what? Before every game, I will do a quick one-on-one to work out what you want out of the games and make sure that you're comfortable with everything that's in it. We will go over rules, character creation, and whatever else you might have questions about. We will also do a quick little roleplay intro to get you to the start of the game. If you have any questions, my inbox is always open. Now go forth, roll the dice, and for the love of all things holy. I know that they say that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, however, that doesn't mean you have to try and seduce the thing.

GM Style

I'm a good mix of 30-40% combat and 60-70% roleplay. My voicework tends to skew towards trying to bring out strong emotions. I'm always working on my improvisation. My one weakness is coming up with random names, much to my party's delight. There are a lot of random goblins, gremlins, and minor henchmen that's been "adopted" due to this. I want my players to succeed, and I want them to be creative. Inspiration is a common resource in my games, and I'm not above using rule of cool when the occasion calls for it.

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