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Justin B.

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Teacher

About me

Hey, my name is Justin (he/him)! I'm 31 and a father of two and I'm very passionate about the tabletop gaming sphere. I'm slowly moving my career from construction to gaming with monthly published adventure modules, professionally GMing games and designing hacks and rulesets. The world can be a tough place and if I can help bring some escapism and entertainment to anyone, my dream has come true! My favorite systems to run are PF2e and CoC and I love shorter, more dense campaigns. I like to run inclusive, low pressure games aimed at everyone having a fun time!

GM style

I like to believe I'm a fairly balanced GM when it comes to styles. I heavily favor PF2e over other fantasy systems because the mechanics they have in place relies less on GM fiat, allowing the GM to focus less on rulings and more on encounters and the world. When I run games like Call of Cthulhu, I'm just as satisfied with no combat at all, but mystery solving and horrific monsters instead. I'm no voice actor, but I try to give voices my best shot and I always try to give key NPCs one thing you'll remember about them. On the other side of the table, I like to encourage voices but by no means are they ever necessary. Comfort and fun are more important than accents. I'm not the type of GM to fudge the dice in favor for or (definitely not) against the party; some of the best stories come out bad dice rolls.

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