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DM (John)
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

1 game hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Storytelling, Teacher

About me

Roses are red… Violets are blue... What I love about dnd is… you! Oh the joys of being a DM and watching characters be brought to life in your crafted fantasy world by amazing players and their unique backstories, roleplay, choices, and antics. There is just something indescribably fun about this shared story / game that we call dnd. I love the rules, the dice rolls, the creativity, and the party bonds! I’ve DMed both homebrew and published modules in the last 7 years, but the players keep me coming back as a DM. Inspire me and I shall inspire you! When I’m not DMing you can find me in Missouri writing code in an office building or spending time with my wife and 3 halflings.

GM Style

I aim for a good 50/50 mix of roleplay and combat. I provide the world, plot hooks, and options, but you provide the player choices and agency and drive the story's direction. Roleplay - I enjoy making fleshed out complex NPCs for the party to meet and using different voices and accents for them. Add to that a party who themselves gel and roleplay together… the story comes to life! Expect serious epic stories at the core but with lots of laughs sprinkled on top! Combat - As a long time terrain maker and miniature painter, I bring my love of the grid, tactics, and rules to combat but while still embracing the rule of cool in battle. But beware, as fun as it is combat is often challenging and high-stakes! Exploration - Don't we all love fantastic locations described in narrated rich flavor text fashion. Yes, please! Story and Backstory - I've acquired a great fondness for pulling on character backstory threads and weaving them into a campaign. This is where story and backstory meet and create a tapestry of awesomeness that is totally unique and to be found nowhere else outside our campaign! Safety - Our table is safe, respectful, and welcoming. Come join in the fun and friendship! See you soon...

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