Intentional Turtle (he/him)
2 years on StartPlaying
40 games hosted
Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Inclusive
About me
Hi! I've been running RPGs for a really long time, back in the days of 3.5 yore. From those humble beginnings through many systems, I have been that "eternal GM." I have run multiple, multi-year in-person games through to completion over the last 16 years through D&D 3.5, 5e, Pathfinder 1 and 2, and Star Wars Fantasy Flight. I even have run a 3 year long Westmarch-style Dresden Files RPG. I enjoy any system which allows a player to express their character's personality both in RP opportunities, but also with some crunch to back up the fluff. It has been my most enduring hobby because I really do love the feeling of building a cooperative story and world with others. The best ideas come from that strange alchemy of planning and detours which only TTRPGs can bring. I am a high school educator so I find that I bring a wealth of creative ideas as well as the flexibility to handle the exciting player-led scrambling of those ideas. It is most important to me as a GM that I create an environment of interest, investment, and a place to create those "let me tell you what happened at my session last night" moments that we all crave. Big ideas and small choices both make a difference and I do look forward to seeing ours together! Rules are important as a framework and for everyone to have a understanding of the shared "space" we will inhabit but they should never be an impediment to a player's ability to express their character identity. Failure might be an option, but never having the chance to fail is unacceptable! My experience can let me often feel comfortable with knowing why a rule is or is not in place and so I can regularly be happy to flex the ruleset if it is not unreasonable, even to the point of homebrew character material (if you stay with me over time that is!).
GM Style
I am a big ideas kind of GM! I really like to play with strong concepts from the players that I have as well as to bring fun ideas into campaigns! Every game and system have their own atmosphere and tensions. Political intrigue and untrustworthy allies will be a far cry from a swashbuckling tale of high seas adventure which will be very different from a battle against time and Fate itself to undo the demonic apocalypse. Coincidentally, those were my last three homebrew campaigns! I almost exclusively run homebrew stories, campaigns, and worlds although I will irregularly mix in ideas, storylines, or other premade content with my own spin if I think it adds to the experience. Pacing can often largely be up to my players as some groups prefer a more methodical or character-driven narrative while others are ready to dive in guns blazing, swords flashing, and Errol-Flynning their way through spectacular set pieces. Whether you are a "get to the climax" or a "dusky meeting full of hushed words and hidden knives" kind of group, I am happy to accommodate. It is always my goal to make sure that at least 1 moment of each session will be spectacular and represent a sense of achievement (or maybe cinematic set-back?). Setbacks...That brings up the whole, TPK/player death thing...Well first of all, I am a big believer in "failing forward" so, while players should not necessarily expect to win every conflict, even failure will always progress the game in interesting directions. However, when it comes to actual mechanical player death, I am very open to group preference. I have used true death, resurrection options, "wounds" or "maiming" systems, or the death flag systems. While a conflict should have stakes, bad dice should not necessarily take away that 20 hr investment you put into your favorite character if you hate that idea. I am very open to both individual players who want to form a new group or a pre-existing group looking to find a GM. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me and I'll answer any questions as well as I can.
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