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1 year on StartPlaying

136 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, Storytelling

About me

Hi! I enjoy playing DND and want to make a fun and enjoyable adventure for you and your friends/party by being flexible to the wants and needs of you and your party I can run adventures ranging from a world where magic has been outlawed and you and the party are fighting against a tyrant of the world! Or a game set in a magic school where you learn new ways of combat and spells! And if that's not your thing I can also run things such as Naruto 5e, or pokemon 5e, or a super hero focused game, I also have knowledge in 5e sphere magic as well! Im super into homebrew and already have a lot of options ready that I will provide the party if they fit the system we are using such as deep magic, and some other books! open to criticism since naturally, I want to get better! If you want to contact me with any questions you can contact me here or you can contact me on discord using haveanicedayplease You can also join the discord that will have all its games hosted here!

GM Style

I love roleplay and enjoy making sure that your character's backstory will be brought up a lot in-game, I also love making a safe environment for everyone so things such as Homophobia, racism, transphobia will not be allowed! Rule of cool is a big one, if you want to do something but might not have the exact power to do so ill likely let you go for it, lets's say there's a powerful mage and a druid in the party and one has Conjure elemental and the other has Tidal Wave and the mage wants to Conjure a water elemental! Rule of cool would let the druid cast their spell and the mage summon a water elemental from it.

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