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4 years on StartPlaying

116 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Teacher, Knows the Rules

About me

Hello there! I'm a father of two boys, a husband that my amazing wife puts up with (does anyone really want to have a 2+ hour conversation about one specific performance art bit?) and a former elementary educator. I've been playing and running TTRPG's and LARPS for over 40 years and I certainly know this- If you want an action oriented game, heavy on character and sprinkled with absurdist moments, I am absolutely the right GM for you! I want my games to play like really rad TV shows. New players are great. Old players are great. Middle-aged players are expected. I don't believe that babies have the skill set to RP, but they sure are cute. Game on!

GM style

Action oriented games with a focus on the exciting bits of the story. Definitely an improv style where I follow the players to the things that they are interested in. A lot of laughter and cheering at my table. Very experienced with a bunch of different story/indie games.


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