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3 years on StartPlaying

873 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Voices

About me

Hey folks. If you’re reading this, then you’re probably considering me as your next dungeon master. I really appreciate your consideration, and I’ll try to make this worth your while. So, without further ado, I'm Timothy. And yes. Some people DO call me Tim. I’ve been playing D&D through the various editions for 25 years or so, and have been the DM for most of that. My greatest accomplishment is hooking my extended family, which has netted me the job of DMing for 7 family members on at least a weekly basis for the last few years. I’ve DMed for everyone from newcomers and eight year olds (both mentally and literally) all the way to crotchety old veterans. I spend far too much of my down time worrying about how I can make my game better. Frankly, I am obsessed with chasing that perfect session where everyone goes home and raves about it for years. I’m a bit of a rules encyclopedia, though I’m not afraid to admit I’m fallible. I’m willing to stretch things and say “yes, and...” in the name of a good story, and also willing to say “no, but...” to further that same goal. I encourage role play over roll play, but don't force people out of their comfort zones. I love to tie backgrounds and PC interests into the main storyline, or scrap the main storyline in favor of the pc’s. I believe that if you're paying for a DM, you're paying for a professional. To me, that means you can expect me to ACT professionally, even when we're having fun. You won't hear me cuss, gripe and complain about other players, and I'll generally treat you like the valuable customer you really are. If you’re looking for a DM who will customize the game to your tastes and truly care that you walk away satisfied week after week, I’m the guy you’re looking for.

GM Style

I endeavor to customize my "style" to my players wherever possible. I'm adaptable and always looking to learn a new way to play this wonderful game we all love to play. I love to roleplay, and do my best to differentiate with character voices without making things too campy. I love to run engaging combats and work constantly on improving the craft of running a smooth narrative for my players. I try to be attentive not only to the outgoing "face" players, but work hard to give everyone a chance in the spotlight of their choosing.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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