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GM Demon

3 years on StartPlaying

167 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Rule of Cool, Teacher

Average response time: Under 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Welcome, my fellow adventurers, investigators, monster slayers and detectives. My name is GM Demon and I run games online professionally. I’ve logged over 2,000 hours on Roll20, GM’d over 150 paid games on StartPlaying, and draw upon well over a decade of experience in TTRPGs. My philosophy is that a good GM understands each table uniquely has their own preferences. I specialize in adapting to every table and modifying the content to suit the table’s wants and needs. Whether it’s a horror game like Call of Cthulhu, or a high fantasy adventure like D&D, I will structure the content to the table's preferences. I have more details about how I run my games in the GM Style section. There's no wrong or right way to enjoy the contents of a game. Speaking of content, it's best to address that now. TTRPGs often contain harsh content. I will respect your boundaries and triggers to ensure you can enjoy the game. My table is for everyone. There are work arounds when there's an issue. I've had a player with a bug phobia, players who don't like overly gory scenes, etc. We will communicate with one another, and I'll make it work. Your wellness at my table matters to me. In my personal life, I’m an author, a former attorney, an uncle, a podcaster, and a family man. I love creativity, learning, and I love teaching. Many of the reviews I have received speak to my creative ability and penchant for teaching. This might be because I come from a long line of teachers, or my enthusiasm for game systems, but I love the gritty details of a game, as well as teaching new and lapsed players. I view part of my job as paying it forward: I was blessed to be brought into the TTRPG fold many years ago, and I want to do the same for others. I hope to see you at my table, and be sure to check out my GM Style Section below!

GM style

Overall Style, Regardless of Game System: I am great with rules, but I love the rule of cool. If a rule is in question, tie goes to the player. I don't nerf classes or game content. I'm not scared of power gamers or a group that wants a more toned down experience in any setting or game system. I love running high-level games in D&D/Pathfinder, and I enjoy characters that grow strong in horror campaigns, such as Call of Cthulhu. My favorite accomplishment as a DM was taking first time players to level 20 in a custom campaign. In short, the rules matter and aren’t thrown out, but the tabletop experience I provide enables characters to feel as strong and competent as they actually should be. Roleplaying, Regardless of Game System: Roleplaying is such a vital part of the tabletop experience. Your decisions matter, and they often come to fruition in your character driven actions. I accentuate what and how your character wants to do with the rules of any given system. This includes letting a player tell me why they’re choosing to “role for this skill and not that one,” with their understanding of the nuances of the situation. Or, more simply, you tell me what you’re going for, and as long as it makes sense I’m good with it. The NPCs you encounter will have custom voices, are often created by me, and exist not just to move the story around, but to enrich your world. I will accentuate your RP experience by providing music, custom handouts, maps, stories, poems, and a slew of other items to give you a great setting in which to explore your character, their relationships with the NPCs and their group, and themselves. In historical settings I am particularly skilled at doing so: for my Victorian Era Cthulhu games I’ve done dozens of hours of research, for instance. Combat in D&D: I will throw some of the most interesting monsters and foes at you. I will play them narratively and intelligently, so you feel like you’re going against something real. Those wild monsters might attack the first person in front of them like the tank, or go after wounded and softer prey, such as a wizard. Combat will be fast-paced and engaging. I’ll make combat work for you and the party by challenging your strengths: you have AoE spells, that’s good because you’re going to need them, and if you’re built for single target damage that’s great, because I have a stout foe for you. I own every book in fifth edition and have remade and tailored older monsters as well. You will use every bit of your resources in my fights, and you’ll be a happier and more rounded player for it. I don’t mean to brag like a bard, but my combat is second to none. Come to my table and achieve high levels, acquire legendary items, slay epic enemies, and experience what a high octane setting can feel like! Combat in Call of Cthulhu: It’s hard to justify shooting Cosmic Gods to death. But you’re not going to be doing that very often. You will utilize your smarts, your resources—such as guns, fire, ambushes, etc.—to overcome potent foes that are far stronger than mere mortals. But you’ll also be able to use mental tactics, such as mentally tricking your foes, or utilizing magic and artifacts (beware the ill effects as such power comes with a cost) while you fight to keep your life AND sanity intact. Combat will be less battlefield oriented with a strong emphasis on description, roleplay, and theater of the mind. While the game is more orientated Balancing the Needs of Players: I pride myself on being a good teacher. If that means a player wants to make a character with me in discord, receive a tutorial on how to play their build/class or a pre-generated character, I’m more than happy to do so. It will not take long to acclimate a character to the game. You won't slow down the game with me as your GM.


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