Cost Per Player
Atlas (any/all)
4 years on StartPlaying
558 games hosted
Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Storytelling, Creativity
About me
I'm a 32 year old Aussie that's been GM'ing for roughly 20 years! I run all sorts of games, from gauntlets to puzzle-a-thons, Player Driven to Arch-nemesis. I'm also hyper flexible with my games, able to run a large number of systems and able to learn a new system extremely quickly. I adjust my games plot and encounters based both on Player composition and character composition. If you join two different games that have the same main plot, they'll maintain different atmospheres regardless. I've run most genre's of games, and have been known to genreblend very easily. I've even turned a Pokemon PTU campaign into something more reminiscent of Deadspace. Though such games will be more on request and are limited to how flexible the system is. I'll own up to and take responsibility for any errors I make in both Story and Mechanics. No-one's perfect but I strive to recover from my failings as best I can at all times.
GM Style
I love Roleplay and enjoy writing character driven plots settled firmly in a world with set rules. Though sometimes it is just fun to beat down the door and go for a dungeoncrawl! I've also been known to create temporary, campaign-length websites for players to track everything that's happened, learn more about NPCs that their characters know but they as players aren't super familiar with etc. Most of my players seem to most remember my ability to run multiple interlacing timelines, or adapt on the fly to PC actions and weave them into the story such that it seems I expected them to do that from the beginning.
Games played
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