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Christie E Whitefield

3 years on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

About me

I have been a DM/GM on and off for about four-ish years. I am always looking for new and better ways to do anything I set my mind to. I tend to be more serious about my campaigns but, intend for my players to have a fantastic time. I am currently running my games on Foundry VTT.

GM Style

I love to role-play and love to add unique experiences. I am an outstanding world builder with unique stories and custom self-built maps as well as some animated maps I have purchased. I am a DM that favors combat, traps, puzzles, and exploration. I accept constructive criticism at the end of sessions as long as it is done with tact. Character sheets will be pulled from D&D Beyond. I own the Legendary pack and all character classes and subclasses will be available. I also purchase every new book from D&D Beyond that could affect how you build your character. Things you are going to need to play would be a web browser (on a computer as tablets and phones will not run foundry), Discord, a mouse, and a D&D Beyond account. I follow RAW (Rules as Written) for D&D 5E. I wouldn't consider myself a rules lawyer, but try to adhere to the rules as much as possible. Artists that I use for tokens, backgrounds, or assets in map-making. Devin Night: Devin has some amazing art with both animated and static assets. Jules & Ben's Animated Assets: Great animated asset series. Tom Cartos: I use his assets in all of my maps. Forgotten Adventures: I use some of their assets in my maps. Jinker: I use some of Jinkers animated assets. Dynamic Dungeons: Awsome animated maps. Dynamic Dungeons: Awsome animated maps. James’ RPG art: Another source of outstanding animated maps. VividAdventureMaps: Oustanding animated art!

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