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2 years on StartPlaying

8 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Knows the Rules, Visual Aid

About me

Hello! My name is Exie. I started playing & DMing in July of 2003. A friend of mine had preordered the books. We invited some other friends over to his house for a sleepover and they all shared the player's handbook while I read the DMG and monster manual to make an adventure! Here's a fun fact for you - almost every rule about the game is in the player's handbook. Needless to say, the adventure was terrible. But be that as it may, we all had a lot of silly and good natured fun. I've learned a lot in the 20 years since then. I run my tables fairly and encourage my players to roleplay and explore the world, and even when running a published adventure I will put hours of customization into the story. I'm a father who is married, enjoys anime, video games, mountain biking, and TTRPGs. I have over 3,500 hours of play on Roll20, have DMed at over a dozen conventions, and hosted more sessions in person than online.

GM Style

I enjoy dynamic combats where the objective is something other than smashing a pile of HP until it stops breathing. Although sometimes that's included as well. I enjoy exploring monsters as a story element rather than a tactical encounter. Players and their characters should experience something before they fight it, and the fight should build on that experience. Roleplay is one of my favorite parts. It's always a treat when players take twice as long to achieve a story-beat because they slow down and explore the scenes, learn about the NPCs, and develop their characters off of one another. My roll20 games use a combination of 8k maps from highly skilled map makers, high quality visual handouts for most locations, notable creatures, and NPCs, and high quality varied tokens. All of my maps use dynamic lighting and new features such as doors.

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