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Tyler (he/him)



DMs Guild Writer
Published Writer
Game Designer

Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Sets the Mood

About me

Hold on, let me roll Persuasion first... now that that's done, hello! I am a former IT professional who got tired of layoffs, which led me to channel my energy into sharing my stories and fostering creativity and inclusivity within the tabletop role-playing game (TTRPG) community. Over the years, I have guided hundreds of players through a variety of games, whether at my personal tables, as a Twitch streamer, or collaborating with TTRPG publishers like Onyx Path Publishing, Free League, Chaosium, Helmgast, and more. I've had the pleasure of introducing new players to exciting games at conventions and have both GM’d and participated in streams and podcasts in both North and South America. As a published writer of TTRPG content, I have also contributed to the development of mechanics for my own RPGs and various indie projects as well as writing professionally for titles such as the World of Darkness and They Came. I invite you to explore my reviews to see what others think, and I encourage you to try one of my games to experience the magic firsthand. I am committed to ensuring you have a fantastic experience!

GM Style

In my gaming sessions, you can look forward to a strong focus on immersive roleplay, featuring dynamic and realistic NPCs. Prepare for epic quests, vibrant and evolving worlds, surprising plot twists, cunning adversaries, and deep-seated mysteries, all intricately tied to your characters' journeys. I thrive on delivering both chills and thrills as well as exhilarating action, while fostering innovative problem-solving. The game mechanics are seamlessly integrated into the narrative as much as possible, ensuring that they enhance the story rather than detract from it. With extensive experience across various virtual tabletop platforms and a vast array of tabletop RPGs—from the most popular to the lesser-known indie gems—I have guided countless new and experienced players in a welcoming and supportive environment. Witnessing new players discover their passion for TTRPGs at my table brings me immense joy. At my table, you can look forward to a few key elements: - First and foremost, inclusivity and safety are paramount. Every player shares the responsibility of ensuring that everyone enjoys the experience. - Assume your character is capable. A roll that doesn’t succeed isn’t necessarily a failure; it could mean you leave a dent on your opponent’s armor with your warhammer or narrowly miss your target, causing the bullet to graze their arm. I advocate for "failing forward," where setbacks create opportunities for drama and unexpected twists, rather than leading to a dead end. - I am not here to be your adversary; rather, I am your guide. My role is to breathe life into the world and its characters, but my ultimate goal is to ensure you have a great time, not to "defeat" you. Non-player characters (NPCs) will act in ways that reflect their unique motivations and quirks. They will strive to achieve their goals using their skills, and like you, they generally prefer to survive. - Expect some level of risk in our adventures. Whether it pertains to your character's body, mind, or spirit, remember that without risk, there can be no significant reward. While the stakes may not always be apocalyptic, shying away from risk will lead to a dull narrative. - The narratives I craft are rich with NPCs and scenarios that center around your characters. While there are overarching and minor plots, my games are free from rigid paths. The story unfolds based on your decisions, with multiple avenues to explore, each carrying its own consequences, and no outcome is set in stone.

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