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Voice Actor
Game Designer

3 years on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

About me

I have 3 goals in life: Tell great stories, make awesome stuff, and pet every dog. I tell stories through acting, writing, and tabletop RPGs. I make awesome stuff through game design, crafts and fabrication, and producing events and shows. I'm still working on how to pet every dog. I am a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, as well as being Neurodivergent and I strive to do what I can to create a more equitable and accessible space for all marginalized people within the TTRPG world and beyond. I've been playing Tabletop Role Playing Games since 2004, and running games professionally since 2008. I've run everything from homebrew campaigns with friends to running at large scale events like GenCon and PAX for companies like Wizards of the Coast and Paizo, running Pathfinder Society games and teaching literally hundreds of people how to play Magic: the Gathering. I specialize in teaching new players, because I love introducing new folks to my favorite hobby.

GM Style

Immersive, player driven roleplay with memorable NPCs, themed backdrops, maps, and music for every occasion. I believe in using botched rolls as a complication rather than a failure. I have a pre-game social contract at all of my tables so that everyone has an awesome gaming experience without worrying about stumbling into something potentially upsetting. My "101" games are run with patience and lots of opportunity to ask lots of questions. My games are inclusive and welcoming, and to protect my players, I have zero tolerance for bullying/bigotry. Oh, and I do ridiculous accents for my NPCs because I think it's hilarious and I like to have a good time.

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