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Ash Drunbar

Ash Drunbar (null)




4 years on StartPlaying

563 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, Creativity, Teacher

About me

I'm an old-school, french-born GM who specializes in LIVE TEXT GAMES (these days Audio is of course a normal go-to for a lot of my games, but I started as a pro-GM with Live Text and still have a thing for it). After a long hiatus doing other Life Things, I got back into RPGs online a few years ago and have been running professionally mostly homebrewed 5e campaigns since 2020, with a few forays into other systems like Dungeon World, Star Wars FFG, or Pathfinder 2e. Currently working on more adventures in the worlds of Call of Cthulhu, Cyberpunk / Blade Runner / Technoir, CYPHER system, Shadowdark RPG, EZD6 and an other plethora of OSR and Swords & Wizardry Hacks (Cairn, Black Sword Hack etc). I'm very much into immersive and epic stories, involving a lot of larger-than-life (or at least amusing and/or interesting) encounters with the denizens of the world your characters live in. I add a good mixture of action, exploring, problem-solving and interactions with intriguing situations and colorful characters to spice it all up. Get in touch and we'll talk about what you'd like to run, and how... !

GM Style

WHAT I LIKE 1- Good, immersive and fun Roleplay, get into character, some exciting battles, a spice of investigative work and lots of epic exploring. 2- Getting new players into the game. PREPARING THE GAME Even for complete beginners, a passable knowledge of the most basic mechanics of the game is appreciated (you can contact me beforehand with questions, I'm happy to help). Do not be concerned about memorizing entire books though, as you will learn as you play. It's easy, be it in text format or through Voice Chat. Remember this is more about creating a cool story together than having the most badass-tank-multi-classed-slaughtering-machine ever ! WHAT TO BRING What to bring to the game ? First Things : bring your Full Attention and a Positive Attitude. (-; I use platforms like DnDBeyond (for 5e campaign links and character sheets), Discord (for Voice Chat and/or Theater of the Mind text-based games), and Roll20 or FOUNDRY as my VTTs of choice. THINGS TO KNOW I am happy to help you with your characters' portraits (I have a vast collection available), I also will provide carefully chosen battle maps, general area / dungeon maps, NPC portraits, background illustrations, even special items' depictions... basically anything that can make the campaign world as real and complete as possible, and help the players visualize the situations they're in, both in and out of combat. SAFETY TOOLS Session Zero, Lines and Veils, Stars & Wishes and others can be implemented. X-Cards and Monte Cook List also remain always available as an extra optional tool. BASIC BEHAVIOUR Do try to be respectful / mindful of others: don't be rude needlessly. BE NICE. Don't be scared of doing / saying something as your character: BE BRAVE. Don't be a spotlight hugger and talk over everyone all the time: BE COOL. Don't fret over every little rule detail. I'm to be your table referee and coach but also your game partner, so please trust my decisions: BE WILLING. Do feel free to reach out to me in Private Message (AFTER the session !) if anything really got you troubled (either about the game, the rules, or anyone involved - including me): BE HONEST. Do suspend disbelief for a few hours and HAVE FUN ! Oh, also: TRY AND BE THERE ON TIME FOR SESSIONS - WARN AHEAD OF TIME IF YOU HAVE TO CANCEL / LEAVE THE GAME. Thanks.

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