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Less than a year on StartPlaying

4 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Rule of Cool, Voices

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Hey, Crusty here, Almost ten years ago I first got into TTRPG's as a player, and after a few sessions I tried my hand at being a GM and have almost exclusively filled that role ever since. After having moved to a small tourist town it became harder and harder to keep a consistent group, bringing me to SPG. I like to run simpler, low crunch systems and I have always felt that the rules for DnD left something to be desired, steering towards niche Indie games that allow for for stronger narrative play, and faster moving combat scenes. I think of myself as a light hearted GM that doesn't like to keep anything too serious while focusing on character driven narrative, I'm a sucker for rule of cool, and failing upwards. More of my story telling is bringing characters to life in the game via their backgrounds and story than it is with drowning players in my own lore, while keeping games focused on moving forward. I bring a high production value to games with custom map-making, hand picked OST's and am far from afraid to do voices for each character, albeit, I'm no voice actor. I also offer an incredibly safe table, and am not afraid of removing people from the table for disrespecting boundaries.

GM style

Big on character driven narrative and roleplay, I believe that if the players don't have agency with the story they won't have reason to interact with it. I love tying in different backstory elements with the ongoing story and connecting players to each other with in game seeds.

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