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Professional Game Master

Player for
8 years
GM for
5 years
Hosted over
0 games

About me

Around a decade ago I put a post on facebook along the lines of "I want to play D&D, anyone interested? I'll buy pizza and beer". I think 25 people showed up at my house causing utter chaos. We whittled ourselves down to a more manageable group and I spent the next few years marveling at how someone I knew could create worlds from nothing for us to live in. He also didn't tell us that what we were playing was "Pathfinder" and that rules system became what I knew as "D&D" I'd played a game at a wedding in France in 2018 and afterwards the DM said it might be something I'd be into. Nerves were over come and I ran my first game (a module for the 5e system). He was right. I was HOOKED. Instantly I started asking around for groups. I ran the 5e starter set for friends and family, eventually forming two weekly in person groups for Curse of Strahd and Storm King's Thunder. All was well with the world, until it wasn't. Covid and lockdown had stopped our fun. My housemate and I resorted to having little battle arena fights at the kitchen table. Surely, we thought, there must be a way you could play online? Of course there was and cue two years of running around 8 hours weekly of Dungeon of the Mad Mage and, more recently, playing through all of Rime of the Frostmaiden. I have branched out into some of the OSE/OSR game systems and am finding the same love I had with D&D the first time around. If you'd like to try one of these out: - Troika! - MÖRK BORG - Mothership - Old School Essentials or we could do anything D&D/PF from 3rd/1st edition!

GM style

I'd always thought I'd be a massive RP heavy DM and, while I love that part of it, running 5e for so long has meant I've been able to polish my combat skills a LOT. I do the odd voice but alas many of them come out as "middle England man". One thing I am big on is putting my players needs and desires first. If you want to play something specific, I'll find a way to work it out. If you have goals, desires or things you want omitted then consider it done.

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