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bobthebob17 (he/him)



Less than a year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Teacher, Creativity, Sets the Mood

About me

Hi I'm bob. I love to play TTRPG's and make new friends. I've played D&D for about 8 years now, while I've DM'd for most of that time. Most rules are ingrained in my head at this point even If I don't agree with some of them lol. I love meeting and playing with people of all types. Through the years as I DM I've helped many people for their first time playing. This means I can help people with creating their characters as well as try and get them to engage more in roleplaying. I also want my player to experience whatever they want to play, so I try not to ban official classes, races, spells, or the like.

GM Style

I believe that fighting tough monsters, Roleplaying with the world, and delving into the unknown are the main aspects of playing fantasy rpg games like D&D. Players will be put into a world where they have to ability to change things, even if its only small at first. Actions will always have consequences, and death can happen. For atmosphere I usually run games a bit more on the silly side. I like jokes and silly characters, but I know when to set to mood other wise. When the moments are right I will be serious, somber, or even infuriatingly annoying. I like to run my table like I would with a group of fiends. Being able to chat and joke with each other at times. From my experience this helps grow bonds with each other and gets people excited to play together. Though I know when to reign it in and get back fully into the game.

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