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Brandon/Apex (he/him)




Less than a year on StartPlaying

24 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Inclusive, Rule of Cool

About me

Hiya! I'm Brandon, I have been playing DnD since 3.5 and have about 13 years of playing the game on and off, mostly as my tables Perma DM! I want to start hosting games because I genuinely have an immense love for the game in all its aspects, I run a couple games on the side just for fun but thought it would be really cool to try to take it to the next level! I have been doing a *small* worldbuilding project for close to the last year and definitely prefer to run the games out of that as it allows me more flexibility on both roleplay and mechanics. I am definitely a "rule of cool" DM that tries to keep it somewhat reasonable but I always want to prioritize both the fun and collaborative aspects of the game! (that's why we are all here no?). I am down to write and run really any campaign, genre-wise , within my Gameworld! I use Roll20 and Discord and have an already established server where each game can be run. I am very open to all levels of experience and new players are super welcome, I love teaching any part of the game I can. I am looking to run a weekly 3-4 hour sessions for about 5-6 players within DnD 5e Ciao!

GM Style

My GM style is "rule of cool" with a focus on player agency. I tailor games to the table, emphasizing voice acting and balancing roleplaying with combat, leaning towards intrigue and moral dilemmas. I write long-term campaigns but adapt to the game's flow. I use point buy with an extra feat at 1st level, allowing only rules-as-written characters—no monstrous or innate flying races, setting-specific, or UA subclasses/backgrounds/feats. I'm open to exceptions for well-thought-out ideas. I disallow evil characters (unless the group agrees), PvP combat, stealing from fellow PCs, Large PCs and mute PCs. Leveling is XP to 3, then Milestone, aiming for 1st to 14th level. A short session 0 handles housekeeping before the first paid session.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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