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Cost Per Player


Eccrios (he/him)



Voice Actor

Less than a year on StartPlaying

5 games hosted

Highly rated for: Voices, Creativity, Storytelling

Average response time: 17 hours

Response rate: 50%

About me

Hey folks, ready for some adventure? I have always loved fantasy, storytelling and make-believe. So it is only natural that I fell in love with RPGs 20 years ago, and I've never stopped playing ever since. I have been a teacher of many school subjects, from math and physics to chemistry and english, I was part of a theater group for 9 years, I wrote a book and I even graduated as a chemical engineer. A bit all over the place, one might think (myself included), but what can you do when you like so many different things? Around 8 years ago, though, I've found out that DMing is among my favorite things to do. I started to study to become better and within few months I was doing it professionally, and I have run dozens of online campaigns ever since. I welcome everyone at my table, and my goal is always to create a friendly and respectful atmosphere, where everybody feels confortable to have a great time together.

GM Style

I love exploring all the different elements the game has to offer. Depending on the campaign/scenario some of the following aspects of the game may be more frequent than others, but I love it all: from roleplaying to combat, from exploration to political intrigue, from mysteries and heists to puzzles, from light hearted and funny situations to emotional and even horrifying developments. And I am also totally open to adapt and focus more (or less) on certain elements if that is what the players prefer. I like to create intricate plots with multiple outcomes, filled with meaningful (and sometimes difficult) choices and situations that foster character development and roleplay. I hate the feeling of being railroaded. To me, this game is about cooperative storytelling. Perhaps one of my most relevant features as a DM is the embrace of "The Rule of Cool". I love creative and out-of-the-box thinking to overcome challenges and solve problems even if what the player came up with is not legal "rules as written". If it is cool and makes sense, you can certainly try to do it! At last but not least, I am available during the week to help you if you need. If you have ideas that you want to explore for your character, if you want to discuss something I can come up with to weave your character's plan with the story, reach me out.

Game platforms used
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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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