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Keegan (link)

Less than a year on StartPlaying

41 games hosted

Highly rated for: Creativity, Storytelling, World Builder

Average response time: 1 hour

Response rate: 100%

About me

Calling all Adventurers! Seeking the brave, the bold, and the dumb to join on an adventure that will test your limits. That will push you to the brink and back. That will see you face the dark unknown that would dare face such hardy warriors. Link's tavern is a place to meet life long companions, fight the good fight from all corners of the known world and most of all.. To have fun. As a dungeon master for 5th edition I have been playing for 7 (Going on 8!) years. As a dm I discovered roll20 in 2018 and went on to accumulate 11887 hours played on the site learning all the platform had to offer. During these years I put a lot of focus on homebrew world settings learning the in and outs of the 5th edition mechanics and how to balance games with homebrew options.

GM Style

I am a dungeon master that strives to help tell each players story and push the games I run to see those very characters grow and become who they’re meant to be. As a dm I have ran years of homebrew games of my own devising which has helped give me a keen eye on mechanics both official and otherwise to provide a balanced game. In regards to modules I have ran curse of strahd which has given me a grasp on running very rounded and detailed worlds that leave the players both horrified of each step taken yet leave them obsessed with the world they find themselves in. Much of my downtime I spend studying areas of the 5e rule set to help ensure a fun experience for all types of game within the dnd mechanics. Be that a one shot game, a short campaign that runs 5-8 sessions, or a campaign that runs over a year.

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