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Sean Way

1 year on StartPlaying

56 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Visual Aid

Average response time: 9 hours

Response rate: 100%

About me

I have had a love of fantasy and sci-fi my whole life and D&D has been my favourite pass time and social activity for over a decade now. I love storied settings, intense and tactical combat encounters and novel solutions to problems. I pride myself on being communicative and accommodating so let me know if there is something you would like run.

GM style

-I enjoy RP sections in my games but try to avoid dice rolling as I prefer the outcome be determined by what is said. -I love character voices and try to incorporate them where I can but I am no great impressionist. -I usually go for big crunchy and dangerous combat encounters where tactics and cooperation make a huge difference. -I go out of my way to make player choices matter and have consequences but that goes for both successes and failures. -I will choose to use a map over theatre of the mind most times as I find it makes conveying the scenario and allowing tactics much easier.

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