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1 year on StartPlaying

51 games hosted

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Inclusive

About me

Hail and well met adventurers! My name's Erik and I've been playing TTRPGs for 7 years now. I'm a lover of fantasy and have a deep appreciation for collaborative storytelling. I've always loved working with my players to flesh out a world, it's cultures, and toying with different concepts. Letting it feel like a world they can interact and influence themselves. As a DM I want to get to the finer details. What makes a world tick? How does it's function and how do people interact. I've always enjoyed making a world feel lived in, real, with processes and histories that have shaped it into a world my players get to shape. I always value player inputs. How we can make characters distinct; adding finer details that make them feel fleshed out. I want this to be a safe place for everyone to feel comfortable adventuring. My major goal is for everyone to have fun!

GM Style

My main focus as a GM is often on what the players find engaging. The world and game typically open up in new and interesting avenues depending on the choices my players make. Campaign conflicts and villain's are usually player driven. I'd say that I love a good mix of roleplay and combat. Giving each PC an opportunity to shine in exciting ways while also allowing their creativity to shine. I believe that characters engaging with one another and their world is often the most fun. At the end of the day we are all building this world together and it's always fun to see what each player can add. In terms of tone I love juggling that not so fine line between high fantasy and horror. My players have told me that my characters can go from whimsical to malicious in no time flat. I love the opportunity to roleplay tense moments as well as relaxing ones. As for rules. I think a good blend of rules as written and rule of cool really help set a great tone. I've always felt that creativity within the rules of the game really make for an enjoyable experience, but with that being said, I'm always happy to break the rules now and then! Transparency is another skill I bring to the table. At the end of each session I'll always ask for comments and concerns to help make the experience better for everyone involved. Fostering that sense of community at my tables is always a priority. If I sound like your kind of DM then feel free to reach out!

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