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Enchanted Loom
Game Designer

1 year on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Inclusive, Creativity, Knows the Rules

About me

I've been playing in tabletop games since the '90s and GMing them at least once a week, every week, for more than 17 years at this point. From D&D to GURPS to Pathfinder to Eclipse Phase to Shadowrun and beyond, the universe of possibilities has only expanded and will continue to do so. Deep down, tabletop games exist for the same reason any other fantasy does: because, to paraphrase an aphorism often attributed to Dr. Walter Fisher, Man is the storytelling ape, pan narrens. Stories are not something we do. They are something we are. As an artform, games and narratives help us to explore the human condition. With this as a guiding principle, I believe games can be not only fun - but fulfilling.

GM Style

What makes a game unlike (almost) any other form of storytelling or media is that there are choices which can affect how the narrative unfolds. In the case of tabletop games, unlike video games, these choices and the nature of being a live performance means that every experience is absolutely unique. You have influence over that. You are a co-author collaborating with others to create something that can never be any other way. And it is being created specifically for you - a moment which you will only ever share with those few who created it. And crunchy tactical combat on top of all that?! Oh yes, I'll have some, please thanks!

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