Angel (he/they)
2 years on StartPlaying
139 games hosted
Highly rated for: Creativity, Sets the Mood, World Builder
About me
I am Angel, a chemical engineering undergraduate who recently started using DMing as a part time job. I have been a very active D&D player the last 6 years, participating in multiple campaigns as a player. For the last 4 years I am also a DM running face to face campaigns in my local area. During the pandemic is was introduced to Roll20 as an alternative option for playing my favorite game. Role-playing is one of my greatest passions which has led me to join the LARP community and take part in its events as a more interactive D&D like activity. My main hyper fixation is world history, a large influence of my story building, especially for political intrigue oriented campaigns. Other interests of mine are drawing, reading, writing and daydreaming in general :) I cant wait to hear the character concepts you have in mind and create with you dream like stories and adventures!
GM Style
I focus of creating sensations of magical realism for my world by making extensive use of music, sounds, detailed descriptions and narrations of an ever-changing world, always emphasizing on the aesthetics of each setting such as the gothic theme of COS. My campaigns have a balance between role playing, battles and exploration, all depending on the players choices. I use the time between sessions to adjust the material and to prepare battle maps, encounters etc suited to the circumstances, minimizing railroading and improvise when needed. Using many different voices is difficult for me but i do my best and try to make up for it by creating compelling NPCs. I am very open to player's ideas and suggestions for bettering the sessions and encourage ideas and initiatives from them both in and out of game. Feel free to express any complaints and critiques on me: I see them all as tools to improve my skills as a GM!
Games played
Game Master Reviews (32)
Players say this GM is great at:
Sets the Mood
World Builder
Sets a nice vibe and creates a world where even the smallest things (like a random pantry room in a castle) have great depth and detail. It always feels as if we have a lot of options with every new room and adventure. And just about every session has a fun mix of role-playing, drama and combat.
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