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Chris (he/him)




2 years on StartPlaying

2 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Storytelling, Creativity

About me

A GM from London, England who loves worldbuilding and to take players on epic adventures. My style of GM-ing is to allow the players to shape the course of the story and most importantly ensure that everyone at the table is having fun, so expect a dash of comedy and great NPCs mixed in with an engaging campaign. Outside of TTRGPs I'm a software engineer, and a big fan of football ("soccer"), board games enthusiast and blogger.

GM Style

I love to roleplay different NPCs and will give them each their own personality. I also really enjoy challenging combat situations. But primarily my GM style is to build the story around the players' characters and allow players to lead the direction of the story. For this reason I put a heavy emphasis on worldbuilding in my planning for any campaign or one-shot. I love to tell great stories but most of all I want the players to enjoy themselves so I will add a sprinkle of comedy and quirky NPCs to any game. I'm somewhat relaxed about rules but ensure consistency with the rules in place.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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