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Chase McAllister

Chase McAllister (he/him)



Published Writer
Voice Actor
Game Designer

2 years on StartPlaying

Highly rated for: Storytelling, World Builder, Inclusive

About me

Greetings, My name is Chase McAllister. I'm a full-time professional game master based out of Minnesota. I've been a professional for 2 years full-time with nearly a decade of tabletop gaming experience. Selecting myself also levies the strength of my professional studio that includes 4K cameras, high quality microphones, exclusive audio tracks, and an unlimited access to miniatures and terrain created at the Badwolf Studios. I have ran Campaigns, Adventures, and Learn-to-Play Sessions for hundreds of players who have come from all walks of life and various skill levels. If you're seeking a truly professional experience where I levy the resources of my tabletop gaming focused Studio to provide you with the absolute best possible game, then I am your Game Master of choice. I will create detailed and immersive plot points that are designed to place your character into the world. Your backgrounds, choices, and playstyle will be drawn upon to create a fantastic and collaborative journey for us all. Games I run will always have the correct miniature, the perfect maps, terrain, and polish that justifies your hard-earned money being spent. Additionally, I'm a digital artist, painter, and owner of

GM Style

My Game Master style is to put you into a shared narrative that focuses on the players as they explore a rich, detailed, and grey world. I value the structure of the rule-book but firmly believe that the book is a tool for us all, and that we are its masters. Together we will establish a ruleset that all agree upon, relying on my near decade worth of professional experience. Your backstory will be weaved into plotlines both small and large that playout across the time we spend together. I enjoy crafting the world and your journey to truly blend your individual characters into beings who apart of the world we all share. If you're familiar with popular fantasy works like: Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt, Dark Souls, A Wheel of Time, and other classics, you'll find my writing and game-style hits these notes with a similar passion. I take great pride in creating believable NPCs that will have you experiencing ranges of emotions. You'll love, hate, laugh, pity and all in between as you engage in NPCs who have motives, goals, and dreams of their own. The world keeps moving, and your characters will grow in their power and fame and with that will come increased responsibility, choices, and ability to greatly shape your narratives. I enjoy a good challenge, and pushing players to think critically and as a team when required. Combat is drama, and is used to progress the story, and rarely for the sake of it. Not all conflict requires the drawing of a sword, and those with a silver tongue or a strong argument will find a different battlefield waiting for them that lets diplomacy and roleplay serve as much a point in combat as anything else. Most battles are meaningful and the enemies you face are deadly and designed to act as authentically to themselves as possible. With my concept of "Assumed Competency", I'm more focused on the intent of your character and the classic "Rule of Cool" than worrying about gridded combat and being a few rule definitions short of a great moment. I live and breathe for moments where character and player become one. You'll find a world that encourages and rewards players who engage in roleplay. I will respond in kind as fully acted and established characters.

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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