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Brandon K.

3 years on StartPlaying

About me

My obsession with D&D began in 2019, when I was scrolling through social media and stumbled upon Dimension 20. I was hooked by the collaborative storytelling, comedic improv, and intense role-playing that can occur throughout a single session. Fast-forward to now (08/21), I have been running an entirely home-brew campaign for my friends for over 1 year and have consumed as much D&D content as I have time for (Critical Role, Dimension 20, NADDPOD...). But, I still want more! D&D gives me an escape from my day job in medicine, and I love to bring that joy to others through my games. I run my games lighter on the rules and heavier on silly role-playing and shenanigans. But don't worry, your hero will still be challenged! Through backstory development and drastic events, your character's trajectory will change for good (or maybe evil...)! I also pride myself on creating worlds with gender, racial, and sexual diversity that I wish we had here on earth. But as a cisgender, heterosexual man, I realize my interpretations exists with blinders on, and I am open to suggestions and improvements that anyone may have! If you are interested in allowing me to run your D&D campaign, please feel free to message me! Can't wait to meet you all!

GM Style

For those of us who are covered head-to-toe with D&D content, I take the styles of Critical Role, Dimension 20, and NADDPOD and try to mash them all together into one. I enjoy roleplay with goof and jokes that become serious when the time comes. All of my characters have their own character voices, and I am certainly not afraid to make myself sound the fool! You'll find NPCs that you love to love, love to hate, and love to make fun of in my games! In addition, I mix all of your player character's backstories into the story, which I find helps me fill out my world and brings sustenance and purpose to my players. I also love combat, but I tend to keep it looser, encouraging creativity above all else. Here are some of the things I don't do. I won't ever make you count arrows or rations, that is too tedious to me and takes away from the story. I won't ever punish my players for not fully understanding the situation, after all, it is a make up world in our heads and our interpretations may be different. Also, I am not the type of DM to root against my players, in fact I find myself rooting for the PCs with every roll! Anything that ever happens to your character can be modified to ensure that you and everyone else at the virtual table is having as much fun as possible!

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