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1 year on StartPlaying

About me

Nothing makes me different... i am just as good, and bad, as everyone else! Been playing since i was a teen. Been hosting since i was in my 30's. I've done everything from mini painting and using, map making, story writing, plot twisting, voice acting, character building and development. I've played almost everything from D'n'D (2nd E./ADnD/3.0/3.5/5.0) to White Wolf Publications (Vamp./Werewolf/Hunter/Mage/Exalted, and their revised editions) to G.U.R.P.S., FATE core, D6 & D20 Star Wars, Star Trek Adv., All Flesh Must Be Eaten, ALIEN rpg, and the newly released Coyote and Crow!

GM style

I like plot dependent storylines. I can do tactical combats and can even change the rolling structure for exploration and problem solving so it's not just battle rolling. I do like to voice act if need be, but don't require players to do so, unless inclined. I grew up Theater of the Mind style, but i have spent money on maps and apps, so i'll try to incorporate them when available.


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