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2 years on StartPlaying

8 games hosted

Highly rated for: Teacher, Creativity, Inclusive

About me

Hi, my name is DJ. I've been playing RPPGs and GMing since I was 11 years old, a whole 30 years! AD&D 2e, 3.5, and 5e are familiar to me but recently I have enjoying playing other systems, like Fallout 2d20 or The Expanse. I try to use official game rules, but rarely do I use homebrew rules during my sessions. I also won't tolerate any derogatory, racist, sexist etc. stuff at my table, and I will not hesitate to ban you if necessary. As long as your chill and willing to have fun, we're good to go. Scheduling (subject to change; see availability for general times-of-day) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sunday: Not Available Monday: 9 AM to 2:30 PM Tuesday: 9 AM to 2:30 PM Wednesday: 10 AM to 3:00 PM Thursday: 10 AM to 3:00 PM Friday: 9 AM to 2:30 PM Saturday: 9 AM to 2:30 PM As of Tuesday 10/11/22 these are the games that I will run> The Expanse, To sleep, perchance to dream 1st to 2nd level, 4 to 8 sessions The Expanse, Abzu's Bounty 1st to 7th level, 14 to 20 sessions Fallout 2d20, Machine Frequency 1st to 3rd level, 5 to 8 sessions Fallout 2d20, With a Bang, Or a Whimper 1st to 3rd level, 5 to 8 sessions Fallout 2d20, Once Upon a Time in the Wasteland 1st to 5th level, 10 to 16 sessions. Fallout 2d20, The Cause 1st to 5th level, 8 to 15 sessions

GM style

-By-the-book with rules and character customization but will not jeopardize pacing or action of the game to argue about them. Usually if there's an issue, I will make a ruling that we all agree on as a table and move on until we learn otherwise during or after the session. From thereon is where the new rules we learn apply. -I personally tend to be very flexible with my games to let the players have real freedom to do what they want. I have ran more extreme stuff like that before - sandbox-style - but I tend to try do mostly on-rails with improvisation and alternate paths, even in campaigns I write myself. -Like I said earlier, I think pacing is really important in games. I do my best to make sure that combat or certain sections don't overstay their welcome. That being said, helpful and constructive criticism is always appreciated! I think it is necessary for a better experience overall.


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