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2 years on StartPlaying

About me

I have been playing D&D for about 12 years, having DM'd for most of that. I have experience running and playing 4th ed., 3.5e, and 5e. For now I exclusively run 5e within the Forgotten Realms and have had about a year of experience using Owlbear and Discord to run the game online. 18+ Generally, as the games I run tend to be "realistic" or as realistic as they can get for a world stuffed to the brim with magic. I would not call the setting Grim Dark. Rules are run very close to RAW with almost no DM Homebrew. Player Homebrew has to be discussed ahead of time and be in the spirit of the RAW, and importantly the homebrew should add depth to the character/story, more than a mechanical advantage. Most games I run use published material with DM improvisation to fill the gaps.

GM Style

I enjoy roleplaying and tend to use character voices (as best as I can - which is probably not very good.) Depending on the group, I tend to have combat, exploration, and roleplay balanced to favor roleplay/investigation. Combat, when it happens, is usually run tactically on the map (all rolls are done openly). Due to the freedom the game allows players, I rely on theater of the mind, and try and provide as many pictures and visual queues for players to feel engrossed within the world - instead of the map and dice.

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