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VeeDubs (he/they)


3 years on StartPlaying

About me

I am a new professional GM, but I've been running games ever since I first started playing as a teenager 20+ years ago. I enjoy crafting stories, and TTRPGing is collaborative storytelling! I want to start hosting games because I deeply enjoy working with other people to bring my stories to life, and I appreciate the event of watching my stories fly free when other players add their personalities, experiences, and passions to the game. I consider myself different because everyone's talent in telling stories is unique from every other person, and I am no exception! I enjoy bringing intellect, subtlety, intrigue, challenge, and influence and power dynamics to my games that have rarely failed to be appreciated by my players. I think we'll all have a great time!

GM Style

I enjoy creative tactical combat and creative spell use in combat and during roleplay, run your creative ideas by me and I'll probably go with it (at least to some extent)! I can run pretty much any kind of game, but I especially love city-based games laden with intrigue and power struggles between and among the various social strata. I'm heavily influenced by the power plays conducted in cities like R.A. Salvatore's Menzoberranzan, and by the subtle etiquette in stories like "Daughter/Servant/Mistress of the Empire" written by Raymond E. Feist and Janny Wurts. I also like incorporating forums into my games, there will be plenty of live play but you can also look forward to seeing posts containing IG content!

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Tabletop Roleplaying Games Run by Game Masters

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