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Bob (he/him)
4 years on StartPlaying
274 games hosted
Highly rated for: Knows the Rules, Creativity, Storytelling
About me
Hi there! I'm an easy going Dungeon Master with an in depth knowledge of the inner workings of the game. With over 25 years of D&D experience, I've acheived an excellent balance between playing the game by the book while also allowing for fun "outside the rules" shenanigans. If you enjoy seeing how your actions affect the world around you then I am a perfect fit for you! I am also StartPlaying.games' resident expert on all things Ravnica related. If you are interested at all in playing in the Magic: the Gathering realm of Ravnica (or Theros) I run multiple games weekly in the setting. Feel free to join my discord server and talk to other players! Talk about the games that have already been run and meet some players to join a new campaign with! https://discord.gg/ShqFe9JaYy
GM Style
I pride myself as a DM who is able to adjust on the fly into whatever situation the players find themselfs in. With a degree in Musical Theatre, the art of preparing to improv is something that I hold dearly. I will always come with a plan on what the players "should" be doing, however I love giving my players agency over the world to interact in it however they choose. Also with my degree comes an excellent chance for RolePlaying whenever the players see fit. I don't like to force roleplay onto anyone however, there will always be opportuitys that will keep the story moving. Finally, I love to design and tweak encounters as well. I've found my greatest success within combat to tailor the encounters once again to the players. If the group is good with puzzles, then defusing a bomb is optimal. If the group loves the tactics portion of combat, then daring duelsits from rival groups/countries, might pose the best challenge. In any case, combat goes quickly and smoothly allowing for action to continue instead of getting bogged down with the rules. See you in the games! P.S. I do not tolerate bigtotry, racism, sexism, etc within my games or at my tables. There are no warnings for this as it is unacceptable. For all other "player infractions" I run on a 3 strikes rule. If a player is not being a team player or is making the expereince worse for others, I will privately speak to the individual causing the problem. After that they will be asked to sit out on at least one session and will then be invited back. If behaviour still has not changed they will not be invited back.
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